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Archive Contents

This is a short explanation of the files and directories coming with these archives:
IMPORTANT        where to start and what to read
README           short introduction
CHANGES          program history
NEWS             tells about incompatibilites to older versions
COPYING          the GNU General public license
hsc              executable for preprocessor
hscdepp          executable for hsc's dependency procreator
hscpitt          executable for hsc's project interfering and trashing tool
hsc.prefs        contains syntax definition
source/          source code
docs/            documentation drawer; start browsing ``index.html''
docs-source/     hsc sources for documentation drawer; as example
examples/        some small example projects for tutorial purpose
grafflwerk/      miscellaneous stuff that might be useful
starter-project/ template to start a new project with


(size: 268K)

This one is the complete distribution of the AmigaOS-version and includes the binaries, documentation and all supporting material. But it does not contain the source code.

This archive is available from the hsc-support-w3-page and aminet:text/hyper/hsc.lha.


(size: 552K)

Contains everything except the AmigaOS-executables and -icons, including the ANSI-C sources to compile all tools of this package. You probably will have to modify the Makefile. The most important files and directories in source/ are:
README           tells you to read docs/source.html
Makefile         makefile to compile the whole thing
Makefile.agi     makefile used by author
hsclib/          parser functions
hscprj/          project functions
hsc/             hsc, the preprocessor
hsctools/        hscdepp and hscpitt
ugly/            function library; don't try this at home

Additionally, the hsc-sources for this documentation are also included in docs-source for example purpose.

This archive is available from the hsc-support-w3-page and aminet:text/hyper/hsc-source.lha.